Sunday, October 21, 2007

Costume Party

I kissed a straight guy.

Course, that was before I found out he was straight. I was checking him out and you know, all the signs were there. At least I thought they were signs. After that I was kinda worried about appearances cause I had a bit to drink already but I figure, I'm never going to see him again so whatever.

I didn't really know anyone other than the couple I came with, and they were somewhere else in the house fucking about. I ended up chatting with this guy Manuel. He was really cute. Good dancer. Had a certain attractive aura about him that drew people to him. I has asked Eric about his sexual leniency and he said it was questionable. So we got to chatting and we're hitting it off pretty well. I was glad he was being receptive to my conversational skills, or lack there of.

He then asked me point blank, "So, are you gay?" "Yes." "Wow. At least you're honest."

I was worried that that would have weirded him out. After he walked off to do whatever, I was laying down on the couch and he came over. He went on to say that I was still cool and he leaned over to give me a hug, twice.

Good times.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Family Ties

Usually I would wake up and find a 20$ bill taped to the frame of my door. Over the years father has found several ways to give me lunch money. I'd walk by, he'd call me over and pull a twenty. We'd exchange glances and go about our business.

I had just walked outside my room and the living room was dark. He had gone to bed. I looked over to my left and there taped to the frame was a twenty. I let out a scoff and shook my head. Why is this any different than when he did it before? I always figured it was because I was asleep and he didn't want to wake me up. But there I was, awake, lights on and everything, and he preferred to tape it to the side of the door rather than having to speak or see me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Demon kid

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Everwood: Kyle Hunter

As previously mentioned in my Emotions and Eyecandy entry, I uploaded the Kyle Hunter story from Everwood a couple days ago for your viewing pleasure.