Sunday, October 21, 2007

Costume Party

I kissed a straight guy.

Course, that was before I found out he was straight. I was checking him out and you know, all the signs were there. At least I thought they were signs. After that I was kinda worried about appearances cause I had a bit to drink already but I figure, I'm never going to see him again so whatever.

I didn't really know anyone other than the couple I came with, and they were somewhere else in the house fucking about. I ended up chatting with this guy Manuel. He was really cute. Good dancer. Had a certain attractive aura about him that drew people to him. I has asked Eric about his sexual leniency and he said it was questionable. So we got to chatting and we're hitting it off pretty well. I was glad he was being receptive to my conversational skills, or lack there of.

He then asked me point blank, "So, are you gay?" "Yes." "Wow. At least you're honest."

I was worried that that would have weirded him out. After he walked off to do whatever, I was laying down on the couch and he came over. He went on to say that I was still cool and he leaned over to give me a hug, twice.

Good times.

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