Sunday, January 18, 2009

DDR Gym.

So I decided to dust off the old pad and start stepping on arrows again. I wanted to do something for myself and jump on the whole New Years resolution weight loss bandwagon. I know it probably doesn't look like I need to lose weight but meh, I want to. Or at least tone up the mid-section. And I'm rarely active at all so any exercise is good exercise.

Method of choice is my dusty and scratched Dance Dance Revolution: Super Nova routine. Holy shit my legs hurt. I started yesterday and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I could feel all the loose skin and fatty reserves flopping up and down. By the end of it I was swimming in my own liquid and my legs wanted to give out but I felt good. There something about the sheen on my skin that gives me a sense of accomplishment.

Of course along with this I want to eat more vegetables. Being a pescatarian you would think that I would eat my fill of the lot, but sadly the past few months fries, eggs, and pasta have been my main source of sustenance. I just wish I could find a way to make them more delicious. Or you know, income to buy more delicious.

So here's to you slight stomach pudge. May I never feel you hanging over my low rise jeans again.

Yesterday: 354.09Kcal @ 50 minutes.

Today: 239.258kcal @ 30 minutes

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